Transcript of my Damien Dempsey Interview
Posted by: Eolaí on August 7th, 2008
Last summer I had a long conversation with my fellow Dubliner, Damien Dempsey, for an article I was doing on his then brand new album To Hell or Barbados.
I posted the Damo interview in audio but for those of you who don’t fancy the long listen, I’m making the transcript of that interview available now.
Before I pressed record I asked Damo if recording our conversation and posting it on the web was okay. He said yes. I pressed the button. And hearing my Dublin accent he asked me a question:
Damien Dempsey: Where are you from yourself?
Irsh KC: From just by your old Rock School. I’m a Palmerstown man.
DD: Ah Palmerstown, I know it well.
IKC: Well speaking of the Rock School, it’s been a long time since you were there. Does it still mean anything to you after all this time?
[This is a long interview so the transcript is continued below the fold]