Cycling Across America #68
Posted by: Eolaí on October 23rd, 2008
Deming, New Mexico
Part 68 of the Cycle-Across-America series. (Read from the start in Boston or see the full index)
In a zigzag fashion I am eating my way west across the breathtaking scenery of southern New Mexico’s mountains and deserts, while Bill Clinton and Bob Dole near the end of their election campaigns.
These excerpts are from the audio-taped sections of the journal, so the usual apologies apply about my lack of structure and rambling etc.
Sunday morning, November the 3rd. Another day forecast with rain and snow at higher elevations – which is pertinent today because although, I’m at 4,000, I’m going up to about 6,000. Or am I going even higher?
I’m going to Silver City today. With a bit of luck the snow won’t come down this far south, but there’s supposed to be showers actually, pretty much all over New Mexico today.
Worry about that a little bit later on. If the forecast I saw yesterday was okay and accurate I might well have a wind on my back – which I did yesterday, making yesterday perhaps the easiest day of all.
I had 8 miles of – you can’t really call it rolly-polly hills, they were all hills but they were like steps. You’d go up and then you’d level. Up and level. And so on. Then there was 7 miles of a very straight road leading into hills and mountains.
I woke up yesterday at eight o’clock so my host was up and gone to work so I cycled down to the garage, which is only 300 yards away and I went up and said goodbye. Just shook his hand really and he gave me his card and that was that.
So I hadn’t really talked to him an awful lot. I did at first when we got in, at the bar in his house and he showed me an ashtray to tell me he wasn’t a smoker – he’s an ex-smoker. 15 years ago he gave it up. But he wasn’t on any crusade.
He’d had three wives, but he called himself a bachelor and I was kinda wondering would someone who had 3 wives lose track of which one was which. And he did when he tried to remember which one he was with when he had given up smoking.
[The rest of this post is continued below the fold]
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