Some Weston Irish Fest Reactions:
Erin went to the Weston Irish Fest and, like everybody who first comes upon O’Malley’s Irish Pub, was rather bowled over by what she saw:
I haven’t seen anything like this anywhere in the U.S. [I’m pretty well-traveled, having been to 3/4 of the states]… I haven’t seen anything like this since my friend Michelle and I went to Germany and happened upon a small pub under the street near our hostel!
And Owen has some details of the challenges that larger crowds than anticipated created. (Though in my biased view I don’t think running out of Smithwick’s is a problem, and Harp Lager will fill you just as full of Irish wind)
Weston’s Irish Fest doesn’t change much from year to year (if it ain’t broke…) but the great weather and the crowd took this year’s event to a different level. Near the end of the night in one cellar, the band finished up its set with several Irish classics. I zoned out and for a split-second I couldn’t remember where I was. It didn’t look like Kansas City but it didn’t look exactly like Ireland either. That was Weston — a little bit of both.
The Bonsignore Family also went to Weston:
For some reason I thought it was going to be your typical type of festival…but it was not. In fact, it would have been fine if I wanted to sit, drink beer and listen to the bands (and of course eat some yummy food). However, I did not feel so inclined with my baby with me. Matt and his friend Chris enjoyed the festivities last year and I think if you went with friends, that would be more appropriate
Fran White of Kansas City North Real Estate as well as having the pleasure of attending the Irish Fest also enjoyed Weston itself:
This year they couldn’t have had better weather! The trees were beginning to turn color, there was a breeze in the air and little or no humidity. As we were walking down the street of the friendly sidewalks of Weston, Missouri I encountered this young lad. He was really talented and I couldn’t resist putting money in his violin case after this stellar performance!
Panthr0 of Converstractions finds the festival getting better and better:
There is little that can be said of the glory that is Weston Irish Fest. I have gone now two years in a row, and each one outranks the last. There are others of our group who have been for fours years now, and their stories are definitely hilarious. The day we spend embracing our Irish heritage (not sure any of us are really Irish, but who cares), goes by in a blur.
Lazy Tom went to Weston but deliberately avoided the festival:
I steered clear of the “Irish Fest” (quarter-mile line, silly drunks, biker hoarde). The Weston weekend is the last one of the Irish “festival season” in the midwest. I spent my time on the Main Street curio shop strip. The retail district is in restored 1840s era buildings. It’s a nice time warp.
Brad of Scatterbrain got to see his favourite band from his favourite seat in the best place for Irish music:
If you have never been to O’Malley’s, it’s worth the trip. I was first in line and first to get into the pub in order to get my favorite seat to watch my favorite band there, Flannigan’s Right Hook. I then secured a liter mug of Guinness and watched people file into the dark limestone vaulted music hall. I have not seen a better place for setting the Irish music mood–of course, I have not been to Ireland yet.
Ellen has her report of the Elders gig “a great show, and a great fest”, complete with photos and links to more.
Good show as always. A good crowd. And, I did notice, it got more crowded as it got closer to Elders time. Lots of folks there just for the Elders, it seems.
They played for about 2 hours. Festivals always have nice neat schedules. And, unless things are changed due to weather issues (not an issue this fest), schedules are reasonably closely stuck to. Apparently, Irish (okay, Irish American) folks actually can keep a schedule if they really want to. And this fest too is pretty good at keeping things on schedule.
Fat Girl Skinny did go to the festival but challenged my understanding of English:
We all met up yesterday and mine and B’s crizib and then headed up to Irish Fest… Which, I’m sad to report was rather sucktastic compared to years past. But alas, with all our friends it was a great time
NetHound of ChaosEngine got to see 2 main inspirations for his taking fiddle lessons, and shares some photos:
The music was great, got to see many favorites. Ellis Island, Flannigan’s Right Hook, Wild Colonial Bhoys, and of course, Brigid’s Cross. Paulie Baker, the fiddle player in the group, along with Rachel Gaither from Tullamore were the two main inspirations for me to start taking violin lessons.
See also
• The Best Event in KC. Bar None.
• 2008 Weston Irish Festival
• Searson at O’Malley’s Irish Pub in Weston, MO
Hey friends! Thanks for the shout out in your re-cap of Weston Irish Fest… I will be back to the fest next year for sure, and hopefully will be back to O’Malley’s before then! :o)