Kansas City Post
Posted by: Eolaí on June 5th, 2009
It’s always exciting when post arrives here in Ireland all the way from Kansas City.
Because of the current exchange rate, US dollars are much in demand here so my parents had to go to a couple of banks to obtain American money to send with their card to their grandson in America.
-Do you think his mother will let him have his card, I was asked?
I shrugged. Would a mother prevent her son from receiving a birthday card and present from his Nana & Grandad?
Today my parents received an envelope from my son’s mother. On the outside was their last name, no first names or Mr. or Mrs. Inside was a blank piece of paper wrapped around the US dollars they had sent to their grandson for his birthday.
It can now be added to the pile of books and presents that I’ve been keeping for him for over a year.
See Also: Nobody’s Child #30
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