St Patrick’s Day Clashing With Holy Week
Speaking of the clash of the Holy Day that is St Patrick’s Day, with the Holy Week that precedes Easter, the Kansas City Star had an article on it a few days ago.
The date for Easter each year is based on things that happen in space, because God invented his desk calendar before he invented his executive toy that is planet earth.
St. Patrick’s Day has not fallen within Holy Week since 1940, and it won’t happen again until 2160, according to the Catholic News Agency.
The conflict this year means most dioceses will not be commemorating the liturgy of St. Patrick’s Day at all, according to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
In churches that have St. Patrick as their patron, the church says the feast day may be transferred to Friday, March 14. (Saturday the 15th was already taken by St. Joseph.) St. Patrick Catholic Church in Kansas City, Kan., will have its traditional Lenten fish dinner on the 14th, which includes a sing-along of Irish hymns and songs.
Neither the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph nor the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas has asked secular community groups to change their plans for March 17, 2008.