Balls in Ireland
Posted by: Eolaí on July 17th, 2008
Ever since my original little difference between Ireland and America of tennis balls, and its many follow-up posts direct from the streets of Kansas City, people have asked me for the latest update from Ireland.
This is it.
It’s 10 months since I returned to Ireland, and bearing in mind that in the same time period in Kansas City I would have found comfortably well over 200 tennis balls, how many do you think I’ve found on the streets of Ireland in that time?
Yep, a big nada.
Despite the visits from Celtic Tigers 1 and 2, people in Ireland would appear to be just not as throwaway with their luminous fuzzy spherical wealth as people in America.
I did actually find two, but they were both ripped almost in half, thereby failing the ball test. And I saw one on the road in Kilbeggan as I was a passenger in a car whizzing by at 97km per hour, but that failed the pickupability test to see if it wasn’t ripped in two.
Brother the Younger found one whilst out cycling one day, and gifted it to Dog-dog who was beside herself with the emotion of been given something she used to be given all the time. But obviously that doesn’t count either, because he is not me and the Kansas City collection was put together by myself with the aid of just the dog.
Dog-dog herself has found a ball here in Dublin, and a perfectly intact one, but it too doesn’t count as it’s not a tennis ball. Dog-dog is assmiliating; she brought home a sliotar.
Unknown to the dog I took one from the Kansas City collection for a swim in the Irish Sea recently - I have big pockets in my big swimming shorts (because I’m a big swimming shorts sort of guy) - and the plan was to walk out of the sea, just like Daniel Craig, or Ursula Andress, whoever, and hand my waiting dog a tennis ball I would have pretended to have found in the sea. And the dog then would have been overcome with nostalgia and happiness.
But a big wave came and pushed that ball right out of my pocket and on its way to Wales.
Technically speaking my Irish collection of tennis balls is therefore a negative number.
So, as far as I can tell, tennis balls still stand as a little, but definite, difference between our great nations.
Other Little Differences Between Ireland and America:
• Turkeyed Out
• End Times
• Pharmaceuticals
• Hosting Tourists
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