Kansas City Direct to Ireland, Kind of
Directions from Kansas City, Missouri to Dublin, Ireland.
Because sometimes I forget the way home.
Google maps sends me to Massachussetts, and then suggests I swim. Swim 3,642 miles across the Atlantic. Right past Ireland, and past England, to France.
And then continue driving and ferrying home via London and Holyhead.

Anyway if you are going to try this, all I’m saying is that you’d probably be best swimming to the end of the Dingle peninsula, or somewhere in West Cork if Kerry isn’t the first thing you want to see in Ireland.
Found by way of Say No to Crack
Other Travel Stuff:
• Irish Singing Holiday from Missouri
• You Travel By Train In Ireland, Don’t You?
• Maynooth, Ireland Begins Here
• My Cycle Across America
Step 21 makes sense, sorta, but Jaysus… if I’m gonna
do the swim you can bet I’d fetch up in Carrigaline
or someplace and skip the whole France to England thing.