There’s a lot of mail comes here to Irish KC, and the way I have things set up I am not the most efficient at responding.
I’m usually not too bad at reacting to mails in terms of posting events, but you’ll need more patience for an actual personal response.
This post is just an acknowledgement of some of the mails I have yet to respond to but am grateful for receiving. In some cases no particular response is even called for, and in some cases the mails received could have been comments but I’ll respect that they weren’t and not post their contents.
• A warm thank you to Katy McKenna Raymond for the lovely email on public transport in KC and growing up in Waldo the daughter of an immigrant. Irish KC readers may remember Katy’s Irish roots story from last year.
• Thank you to Patrice for the great questions about Ireland’s castles/countryside/walking & historical tours, and especially regarding racial diversity and tourism. There’s not a short answer to any of them - for me anyway - so it will take me some time, and I may well answer by way of a combination of a post and a personal mail.
• Apologies to Irish musician Andrew Handrick in San Fran (and Wicklow) - because I was interested and did listen but didn’t get to posting. I plan to.
• Apologies to Pete Maher of the Midwest Irish Focus for not getting back regarding the phrase Tiocfaidh Ár Lá. Short answers aren’t my strong point, and a long answer would be a blog post. It’s on the list. It’s a long list.
• A wave to Mark from because I haven’t forgotten our planned project - though it might be a couple of weeks yet.
• A big thank you to the musician who purchased my painting The Cliffs of Moher IV, and I haven’t forgotten that I still owe some notes on what was going through my head then.
• Thank you very much to Cecelia, an artist in Australia - your comments on my paintings were much appreciated, as your comments on Luke Kelly were enjoyed.
• Apologies to Adrienne from the Starlight Theater; your mail got temporarily lost in the crowd. I’ll try and make amends.
• A big thank you to Dave Spanler of Marfields Irish Pub in Leavenworth, Kansas - I haven’t forgotten to get back in touch with you, life just seems to be galloping away.
• Thank you to singer/songwriter Emer Fox in Ireland for the tunes; they’ll be appearing when my machine speeds up its performance.
• Apologies to Bock The Robber in Limerick, Ireland - for I’ve fallen behind in everything including our little project as Gaeilge.
• For the email from Arezzo in Italy and the feedback on the Irish KC 101, thank you. A response is forthcoming.
• Thank you to Mark Clavey from trad band Tullamore for the photo from the Cliffs of Moher following their tour of Ireland.
• Thank you to The Celtic Ranch in Weston, Missouri and I need to get in touch. For readers with Weston not in your neighborhood you can visit their website
• Thank you to ex-KC William down in south Texas; your mail was very much appreciated and you know it just takes one person to start a parade. Find a pub, go out the back door and back in the front door - and just watch that tradition grow.
This list is far from everything received and ignored, so chances are if you sent me a mail I’m working on it. I’m even slower at responding to the mails received via Irish KC on MySpace. Speaking of which, thanks to Primal Sneeze for the plug.
If you think I’ve forgotten or lost you, by all means throw something at me again. I hear mud sticks.
There are a lot of emails received at Irish KC every day, and all are appreciated, so thanks very much again.
Never a need to respond to my email reminisces! It’s just that sometimes what you write makes me laugh so hard at my memories of growing up with a Scots-Irish dad, I have to “share.”
Thanks for what you do here! It is appreciated.
No apologies required there, my friend. Keep up the work.
Bod mor agus bas in Eirinn!