Teada: Irish Music cover boys
Teada have made the front cover of this month’s Irish Music magazine. Inside you’ll find an interview with Téada about being so much at home with the Sligo tradition that it features on their new DVD we told you about a while ago.
You won’t be able to read the interview online - you’ll have to subscribe, and it’s about all you can do because the content of most pages has been removed for being years out of date. What’s left is also years out of date. Except for the current issue details.
So now with their current US tour over, pretty much all you can do is look at the picture of Téada and remember what they sounded like at the last two (or three, if you like) Kansas City Irish Fests.
Note: INNÉ AGUS AMÁRACH means ‘Yesterday and Tomorrow’
Whoops, had a brain jerk and said INNÉ AGUS AMÁRACH means ‘Today and Tomorrow’ when INNÉ means ‘yesterday’. All fixed now.
‘Today’ would be INNIU.