Broadway in Chicago: Pirate Queen
Here’s one for your calendars. THE PIRATE QUEEN, a new musical by the guys who wrote Les Misérables and Miss Saigon, will play a pre-Broadway, World Premiere engagement at Chicago Cadillac Palace Theatre in a limited engagement from Oct 3rd thru Nov 26th 2006.

UPATE: Reviews are in
Huh? Well, Moya Doherty and John McColgan are the producers. They’re the people who brought you Riverdance. Pirate Queen? It’s the story of Irish chieftain Grace O’Malley, a sixteenth century woman who the producers would have you believe is a modern woman in period costume.
Well I’m a modern woman in male costume. Grace, though, was one of the last Irish clan leaders to resist the English conquest of Gaelic Ireland. You might have noticed her name, or versions of it - like Granuaile and Grania - around Ireland. She’s big in Howth.
Here’s her story as told by the producers, but do bear in mind that they profess to believe she has been neglected through history and that a Broadway musical will remedy that. Still, this will probably go places, maybe even Kansas City one day.
On Amazon: Granuaile: Ireland’s Pirate Queen C. 1530-1603
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Since your site is partly about pubs and such around KC… the title of this article first made me think you were reviewing Missy B’s. I know several of the Irish boys like to frequent the place.