Online Art Store Closing
I’m closing down my online art store where I sell my paintings on Friday 17th August, 2007.
This is part of the process of leaving KC and returning to live in Ireland.
The paintings will be getting packed away ready for the move, and I will then be too busy to unpack and ship individually any that people might want to purchase.
It’s always possible that some more paintings may be added in to the store before I close it down, but if I was a betting man I wouldn’t bet too much on it.
Remember IrishKC will continue despite me leaving KC, and as such paintings will be made available for sale again here on IrishKC and again at reduced prices, but that won’t be for some time, maybe 2 or 3 months.
Also when that happens shipping prices will have to change because I will then be shipping paintings from Ireland rather than Kansas City. That’s probably good news for people in Europe, but it definitely means it will be more expensive to buy paintings from me if you live in the US. Even if the dollar does improve its exchange rate against the Euro. And if it doesn’t I may also need to increase the price of the actual paintings.
To be honest I’ve no idea what An Post charges within Ireland and the rest of Europe let alone to the US or further afield, so I wouldn’t be surprised to find that the cost will go up for everybody.
For a list of what has sold already on Irish KC, plus what’s still available, regardless of whether they’re really Irish paintings at all, you can have a look at the page I call Irish Paintings
Tantalisingly you can still also see the list of paintings I am in the middle of, which are all oh so close to completion.
wow…you’re leaving?
Your Leaving KC ??? I am really sorry to hear that. You will be missed. Thank You for all you have done for us musicians. Maybe someday I will get back to Ireland and look you up. Take Care and God Bless.
Sorry guys - I should have linked to this original post, last Thanksgiving no less, as if you needed proof that I can talk about something for a long time.
I’ll talk more about it as the day itself approaches but the plan is for me to continue Irish KC seamlessly so that you’ll hardly know I’m not here.
Currently about 95%, maybe higher, of Irish KC is sourced online. That information will be just as accessible in Ireland (ignoring the awful broadband coverage for a moment)
I also plan to be a frequent visitor to Kansas City and will maintain close contact with the many friends I have made here over the last 8 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, and a day.
And for good measure, through the magic of technology, I will have a local Kansas City phone number that I can answer in Ireland - so even angry people in KC can continue call me for no charge.
Though I knew you were planning to return home, this post made me unexpectedly sad. I know that our electronic friendship will continue uninterrupted, but suddenly the ocean seems very wide.