Midwest Irish Paper on FaceBook
The Midwest Irish Focus is now on FaceBook. Or at least its proprietor editor is in that clash between the personal and the professional that so many of us juggle in social media.
And where is Pete’s FaceBook page?
You can find that by searching under “Caleb Pete Maher” (and yes, I use my given first name bacause that is, unfortunately, the only name many of my childhood friends called me).
There may yet be a Facebook page for the newspaper (just like the personal page I maintain on MySpace) but just keeping track of two MySpace accounts and the new Facebook accounts is plenty for now. But it’s more than likely there will eventually be a page for the paper as well.
So if you have a FaceBook account - and there’s been a big surge in memberships among the Irish in Kansas City recently - you know where to find the paper. (if you don’t fancy searching, it’s HERE).
I’m on FaceBook myself if you’re looking for me there, but I’m not looking for friends - because I’m full. And anyway I tend to only pop on once a week to find out who everyone thinks is prettier than I am, my FaceBook account being primarily a place where I thread through a rake of feeds from other sites.
Disclosure: I’ve been know to have an irregular column appear in the Focus, under the title Celtic Comment.