Irish Blood, Leavenworth Heart
Don and Marilyn Murray are the grand marshals of the 30th annual Leavenworth St. Patrick’s Day Parade at 1 p.m. March 17, 2013.
The Murrays boast proud Irish heritage and deep Leavenworth roots including Don serving as a member of the Knights of Columbus for 47 years and Marilyn serving as a member of Immaculate Conception’s altar society.
Don’s father, Robert, arrived here in 1909 from County Tipperary, Ireland, after his mother died and an aunt living in America asked to raise him. He would not actually be able to leave the country until he was 11 because of a World War I-related trans-Atlantic travel ban.
Read more about the 2013 Leavenworth grand Marshals in Tim Linn’s article in the Leavenworth Times