Irish-Themed Play at KC Fringe Festival
Speaking of the Kansas City Fringe Festival, Irish-American writer and actor from New York, Michael Walsh, is performing his Irish-themed play, Between Takeoff and Landing, at the July KC Festival.
In this one-man play of many characters, Mr. Walsh humorously recounts four days stranded with 6,000 travelers in Gander, Newfoundland. He was a passenger on Aer Lingus Flight 105, traveling from Dublin to New York, which was unexpectedly grounded by the tragic events of September 11th.
Gander, a remote Canadian town of 10,000 was turned into the largest, makeshift airport terminal in the world. New Yorker Michael and his fellow Irish passengers are housed in the local Elks Lodge. While waiting to resume their travels and their lives, they examine Gander, the world …and themselves.
One Seattle Fringe Critic had this to say about Between Takeoff & Landing:
throw a random bunch of Irish, English, New Yorkers, and Canadians into a Newfoundland blender, add a catastrophic event (when it’s too fresh to know how to feel yet), toss in a dollop of hot Irish Whiskey (and some hash if you can get your hands on it), and push frappe. The result is an engaging smoothie of fringe theatre
“…hilarious and heartwarming…” - Toronto Sun
“There’s an old saying, we laugh so that we may not cry. Well…there’s plenty of laughter in Between Takeoff & Landing. But, in the end, the production deviates from that saying. Judging from the tears in the audience, including my own, we do cry. A very good
show” Four stars - CBC Reviewer
More reviews are available on the official website for the play. (Note that the dates listed on the schedule pertain to 2005)
Between Takeoff & Landing
Written & Performed by Michael Walsh
Directed by Kathryn Rossetter
Arts Incubator
115 West 18th St.

Tickets: $5.00
Schedule of Performances:
Fri July 28th 11:00pm
Sat July 29th 3:30pm
Sat July 29th 6:30pm
Sun July 30th 5:00pm
See Also:
• Martin McDonagh Play ‘The Pillowman’ for Unicorn Theatre
• Talk by Irish Author, Frank Delaney
• Largest Literary Prize Won by Irish Writer, colm Toibin