Irish Music in the Midwest

-What day is it, children?
-Wednesday, Miss
-And what do we do on Wednesdays, children?
-We listen to Irish music, Miss
-And where do we listen to Irish music, children?
-At O’Dowd’s Irish Pub on the Plaza, Miss
-And what do we drink at O’Dowd’s Little Dublin, children?
-Irish beer, Miss, stout preferably
-No children, you are underage, we drink minerals
-Yes Miss
-But why do we listen to Irish music, children?
-Because we’re Irish, Miss
-Are we Irish for one day a year, children?
-No, Miss
-Are we Irish for one weekend a year, children?
-No, Miss
-How many days are we Irish then, children?
-Three hundred and sixty-five, Miss
-But how Irish are we, children?
-Very Irish, Miss
-And how Irish is very Irish, children?
-More Irish than the Cayman Islands, Miss
-Very good, children
-Yes Billy?
-I don’t like music
And There’s More Of This Stuff:
• History of a Pub, an Irish Pub
• A Chat With The Plain People Of The Midwest
• Hoffenpurpenburger Day
• Is Kansas City more Irish than the Cayman Islands?
• Irish Related Events Calendar for Kansas City
And Learn More About Irish Singer Eddie Delahunt
See a complete list of Irish entertainers in the Kansas City area