Delahunt’s Cafe & Moving
Just 2 years after opening, Delahunt’s coffeeshop on 45th Street at State Line, Cafe &, is changing location in Kansas City.
To across the street - the corner of 45th Street & Bell.
It’s a much bigger premises, with its own music room which will facilitate music all year round. “It’ll be like a folk club”, said Eddie talking to me earlier.

Regular customers of Cafe & will be very familiar with the new location of 4448 Bell. It’s been the spectacular home of Keeshan’s Gallery for some time.
Rumours of a murder many years ago at 4448 Bell are likely to create rumours about the perpetrator returning to the scene of the crime. But these are just rumours you understand.
The current lease of Cafe & ends next month, so the move will be happening soon. Eddie is very excited by the move - why don’t you drop in and talk it over with him. Over tea. Over coffee if you must. The patio is open.
Best wishes to Eddie & Betsy with the move. The growth of Cafe & is great news for the Irish community in Kansas City, as powerfully illustrated by the sell out nights earlier this month, with Crowley & de Cógáin and especially Len Graham.
More on Irish Business in Kansas City:
• The Closing of Kansas City Irish Pubs
• Raglan Road: A New Irish Pub for Kansas City
• History of a Pub, an Irish Pub
• McFadden’s Sports Saloon Launches KC’s Entertainment District