No, the author of this website does not leave a comment on his own website under his own name one minute and then minutes later leave an anonymous comment pretending to be somebody else.
The idea of anonymous commenting on blogs was to encourage and faciliate feedback that might not otherwise be possible; it was never intended to be another outlet for blog authors and those they represent to broadcast even more of their guff, in the pretension of being the general public.
The gutless and dishonest practice of individuals and organisations commenting anonymously on their own blogs, usually to belittle people and views they disagree with, displays such a lack of confidence in their own views it undermines the very point of blogging, and only insults their readership.
NOTE: IrishKC is pseudonymous not anonymous. My real name is plastered all over the web, and print media, associating me with the site and my nom de blog, Eolaí gan Fhéile. Most of that plastering was done by me, deliberately. I don’t ever pretend to be Joe Soap. Or even Joe the Plasterer.
See also: Anonymous Part 2