When I moved from Ireland to Kansas City I quickly gravitated towards Bloomsday Books because of its Irish-related name, and once there was hooked by the charm of the store, its owners, and the people who frequented the place. And it was when I began working in Bloomsday that I got to know Bob Smith.

For years before that Bob had taken my tickets at the Tivoli Cinema, where I had witnessed and been intrigued by his unique charm. But in Bloomsday Bob befriended me, buying me cups of tea from Aixois, and showing me old photographs of his dog or his time in Europe.
He spent a lot of time in what was then the Art Room at Bloomsday, quietly looking at fashion, design, and photography books. They were filled with pictures taken by people who once photographed him, and pictures of old friends. When you were lucky Bob would treat you to stories of that past.
He had the most amazing stories of anyone I’ve known, but you had to tease them out of him. And he had opinions. He was such great fun to banter with.
Most of all Bob was a funny, sweet, generous man, passionate and honest, and it was a very special priviledge to know him. This week in Kansas City a lot of people I know are very saddened. He will be missed greatly.
That’s a very nice remembrance.
[…] More About Bloomsday Books: • The 2007 Celebration of Bloomsday in Kansas City • The 2006 Celebration of Bloomsday in Kansas City • Bloom’s Day in Kansas City • American Icon • Bob Smith […]