Irish KC : A Blog

Kansas City's Irish Festivals, Music, Pubs & Events

Monday, April 10, 2006

Flogging Molly Photos

In the last few days the San Bernardino Sun has posted a photo gallery of recent Kansas City visitors Flogging Molly.

Just as when they headlined the Brookside Irish Festival, dancing at their San Bernadino gig took the form of moshing, which is where a group of people gather together in a pit and push, shove and body-slam into other dancers - kind of the opposite of traditional Irish dancing, give or take Michael Flatley's arms. Nathe n Maxwell, the bass player in Flogging Molly, said moshing is a great way to release aggression:
If you play that song for people and they feel their frustration reflected in that song and get all their aggro out, it's a great release, Maxwell said.

It reminds me of a time when punk rock used to be dangerous. It's nice that a little mayhem broke out of it but it's unfortunate that people's frustrations have to boil over into the streets

See Also New DVD by Flogging Molly


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