Irish KC : A Blog

Kansas City's Irish Festivals, Music, Pubs & Events

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Irish Balloons & Irish Violence

In its coverage of the KC St Patrick's Day Parade, the KC Star has focused mostly on balloons and violence.

I witnessed both ends of the parade, and the entire length of the eastern side, settling ultimately where the trouble was reported, and I stayed until the end. For the most part the crowd was a family crowd and a good-humoured one. Focusing on isolated incidents does ignore the obvious success of the organization of the parade, and the fun had by participants and spectators alike.

From what I witnessed it struck me that the easiest way to eradicate most trouble and flash points, is to move the parade away from a route that takes it right past the front doors of actively trading businesses.

And anyway, why aren't more media focused on what Murphy the Leprechaun is doing with the Frankfurter he's wielding?


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